Reimagining Our Connection to Nature
In the past month our communities have shifted to a new pace of life to continue flattening the curve of the coronavirus. We extend gratitude to those individuals working in the health care and food service industries for continuing to provide our most essential needs.
This is a time to take stock of what we value as a society, and for many, nature is a place for people to recharge and reconnect both to the earth and to themselves. But as parks and regional land management agencies close trailheads and roads to protect the public from further spread of the virus, we as a community have had to reimagine what it means to bring the outdoors inside. New restrictions on trails and public space have served as a humbling reminder of the many benefits that nature and time spent outdoors provide to lead a healthy life. So while nature may be taking a break from us, we can continue to be inspired by the natural world and contribute to scientific research in our own neighborhoods!
Reimaginando Nuestra Relación con la Naturaleza
En el último mes que nuestras comunidades cercanas y alrededor del mundo han cambiado a un nuevo ritmo de vida para continuar aplanando la curva del coronavirus, queremos expresar nuestro agradecimiento a las personas que siguen trabajando en la industria de servicios de alimentos y atención médica por seguir dándonos nuestras necesidades más esenciales.
Este es un momento para reflejar en lo que valoramos como sociedad, y para muchos, la naturaleza se convirtió en un lugar para recargar y reconectar a la tierra y uno a sí mismo. Pero ya que nuestros parques locales y caminos públicos se han cerrado para proteger al público de una mayor propagación del coronavirus, nosotros como comunidad hemos tenido que reimaginar lo que significa llevar el aire libre al interior. Estas restricciones han servido como un recordatorio humilde de los amplios beneficios que la naturaleza y el tiempo pasado al aire libre brinda a una vida saludable. Mientras que la naturaleza tome un descanso de nosotros, ¡podemos seguir inspirándonos del mundo natural y contribuir a la investigación científica en nuestros propios vecindarios!
Information on Park Access and Closures
All multi-use trails closed until further notice. A complete list of all trails here.
All 280 State Parks Temporarily Closed to Vehicular Traffic
Parks Temporarily Closed to the Public: Beaches, historic parks, natural reserves, vehicle recreation areas.
All campgrounds across the State have been closed until further notice.
The National Park Service is modifying its operations on a park-by-park basis.
Informacion sobre Acceso a Parques
Todos los senderos de usos múltiples están cerrados hasta nuevo aviso. Una lista completa de todos los senderos aquí.
Los 280 parques estatales están cerrados al tráfico vehicular
Parques temporalmente cerrados al público: playas, parques históricos, reservas naturales, áreas de recreación de vehículos.
Todos los campamentos en todo el están cerrados hasta nuevo aviso.
El Servicio de Parques Nacionales está modificando sus operaciones parque por parque.
Find Your Park: Although National Parks are currently closed, you can stay inspired with these immersive Virtual Visit of National Parks and if you are looking for a way to enjoy with those in your home, here are some Park Activities you can do from home.
California State Parks: Learn about California’s state parks through their Explore California blog series, nature guides, and distance learning resources.
Explore.org: Enjoy live webcams of nature from all across the globe.
Environmental Film Festival: Explore the inspiring work of researchers, environmental activists, and stewards from all over the world through Environmental Film Festival in the Nation’s Capital (DCEFF)’s collection of Festival films available for streaming online.

P-22 Mountain Lion of Hollywood: Check out these live events on P-22’s Facebook page to stay connected to the cougar community and the wildlife crossing project.
Exploring Conservation Training: The National Geographic Society is offering Exploring Conservation, a free six-course wildlife conservation series aimed at educating everyone about the importance of conservation and how they can get involved.
UC Master Gardener program: Finally get started on that raised bed, herb spiral, or trellis you have been dreaming of with the UC Master Gardener program.

Community Science Projects
Falling Fruit Project:
Connect to food, people, and the natural organisms growing in your neighborhood by contributing to the falling fruit project, an interactive edible map seeking to unite the efforts of foragers, foresters, and freegans everywhere.
City Nature Challenge:
This year’s City Nature Challenge is no longer a competition, but a collaborative effort to safely document biodiversity you see on your walks around the neighborhood or in your yard on iNaturalist!
Zooniverse is the world’s largest and most popular platform for people-powered research. This research is made possible by volunteers. You don’t need any specialised background, training, or expertise to participate in any Zooniverse projects.